Project Status
Runtime & Locations
Short feature (72 mins runtime) filmed entirely on location with a professional cast
Resolution, Aspect, Formats & Distribution
Production Resolution 4K 2160P
Audio 5.1 Surround
Aspect 1.85:1 cinema widescreen in 16x9 TV container
Edit Video ProRes 422 HQ / ProRes 4444
Edit Audio 5.1 Dolby
Distribution FHD m4v
Distribution Audio Stereo Dolby
Distribution through selected worldwide film festival submissions, Prime Video submission (Amazon), local screenings by concerned groups, restricted opticals sale (BD / DVD) and direct download sales (m4v) from OMF web site.
Known talent by direct invitation followed by an industry casting call through StarNow. All submissions by video audition (there will be no live auditions).
Target Audience
International festivals, general public, concerned groups, church congregations, VOD streaming
Purpose of the film
The purpose of this film is to explode the myth that all rough sleepers are substance abusers and that their situation is of their own making. To be filmed in a run n' gun style to get right in with the action in a dramatic way, this film will go behind the normal 'face' of rough sleeping and highlight surprisingly simple issues - often out of the victim's control - that trigger homelessness yet make that status hard to resolve.
Prompted by several presentations, a Q&A session with a BBC scriptwriter and personal knowledge of a number of victims, initial research is complete. Incidents, issues raised and actual victim cases highlighted during that process have been woven in to the screenplay and to ensure accuracy, several of those involved in research have been drawn in as script advisers including Crisis, The Whitechapel Centre, The Salvation Army and food banks.
Pre-prod Complete
Production Complete
Post prod Complete
Release Festivals submissions / VOD submissions through 2025